3.122 Release Notes (October 2024)


This document outlines the new features, improvements, bug fixes and other tasks included in this admation release.


Release Overview
The focus of the release was to improve some issues with the Timesheets in Resource Management, as well as to address a few smaller issues and to upgrade our email server.




AD-21943 New Sent Address For All Emails


Since 2021, we have been making strides to integrate admation into our new organisational structure here at Simple. One of the last few remaining issues was the email addresses used to send emails from admation to our users. These emails include things like approval requests or approaching deadline notifications.


Where previously emails from admation would come from [email protected], these emails will now come from [email protected] .                  

If you feel that you are not receiving emails when you should be, please reach out to your IT department to ensure they are allowing these emails through.                   

If you had created rules in your own email browser to map these emails to specific folders, you may need to adjust those.


AD-21974 Dashboard Charts > Updates to “Approval Stats – Numerical”


We have made a few tweaks to the “Approval Stats – Numerical” dashboard chart.


We have included an option to filter the data to only include Finalised jobs (those which has been finished and promoted to the Ad Storage library) or Unfinalised jobs. There is also an option to show data across all jobs regardless of their finalisation status. We have also removed the Pending Deliverable Approvals metric as this was not adding value to our users, and rationalised the locations/order of the other metrics.





                                                                  Approval Stats – Numerical chart can now be filtered to show only Finalised or Unfinalised jobs                                   



AD-21712 Projects List > Call out the Finalised and On Hold options when a search returns zero results
When searching the Projects list for jobs, some of our users would get frustrated that they would find zero results even though they knew that the job ID they were searching for should be there. It turned out that the job they were looking for had been finalised and they needed to include an extra search filter to include these jobs, but only discovered this through trial and error. If a search of the Projects list gives zero results, we now offer a suggestion to try including the Finalised and/or On Hold options.

                                                                                                        When searching the Projects list, users are prompted to include the Finalised/On Hold options if they find zero results


Resource Management


AD-21726 Timesheet Submission > Customise the alert that appears when a user tries to submit their timesheet
When submitting a timesheet, an alert pops up asking the user if they are sure they want to submit their timesheet.


In instances where a minimum number of logged hours can be submitted for a week, the pop up will now read: “You have not reached your minimum logged hours for at least one day this week. Are you sure you want to submit this timesheet for approval?”.

AD-21861 Timesheets > Task and Days rows not aligning

Fixed a layout bug where the timesheet rows could get out of alignment under specific conditions.

AD-21996 Timesheets > Sorting in the timesheets list is not working correctly
Fixed a bug where the timesheets list would not correctly sort by the Week Commencing column.


AD-22080 Timesheets > Meetings show negative time

Fixed a bug where meeting would appear as negative time in the exports.                   

AD-21985 Logging Time on Tasks > Cannot log weekend time                   

Fixed a bug where users with a specific time zone associated to their account were not able to log time on weekends for their tasks.

AD-21904 Time Submission Status Report > Use user’s time zone
Fixed a bug where the Time Submission Status Report used a specific time zone and not the time zone associated to the current user’s account.




Bug Fixes


AD-21710 Proxy Users > Correct name not attached to a General Comment

Fixed an issue where the proxy user would not be attached to a General Comment that they had made on behalf of another user.                   

AD-21906 Key Dates PDF file broken                  

Fixed an issue where the PDF downloaded from the Key Dates Calendar of a job would not open.


                                                                                                                               The Key Date Calendar PDF now downloads and opens correctly. 



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