Release Overview
The focus of this release was to improve the user experience, specifically in the Full Screen Approval view, Resources module and whilst creating briefs from the Dashboard.
AD-1240 Dashboard > Brief > Allow users to save progress on briefs
When filling in a brief from the Dashboard, users are now able to optionally save their progress and come back to the brief later if needed. To do this they click the Save for Later button. When they return later and click the Start a Brief button on the dashboard, a list of partly completed briefs is available to continue with. If a person is filling in a brief and their session times out, then the brief is automatically saved for later.
When starting a brief from the Dashboard, users can now save their progress and come back to a brief later before submitting it.
AD-1248 Full Screen Approval View > Improve user experience for viewing other people's comments
When reviewing an approval request in the Full Screen Approval view, it is now very obvious if other people have already responded to the request and what their feedback was. This information is now displayed in a new panel shown by default. It can also be hidden away, if desired. You will be able to see comments, annotations and files attached to feedback for a specific person or group of people.
If you or, in the case of an ANY approval, a member of your group, forwards the item out for further feedback, those recipients and their feedback are also displayed in this panel.
This new way of displaying the information that is important to you will make it easier and more efficient for you to give your own feedback in admation.
AD-1244 Global Approvals List > Batch Forward > Include additional files
When forwarding a batch of approval requests to people for further feedback, any supporting files that were attached are now included in the forward.
AD-1228 Global Approvals List > Sort by Type
The Global Approvals List can now be sorted by the Asset Type of the item that is being approved.
AD-1138 Approval Forwards > Allow ANY approval group members to collate feedback for each other
As a member of an ANY approval group, if one of my group members has forwarded the item out for further feedback, I am able to collate any feedback given by those forward recipients. For example,
Alison and Ben are members of a team who were asked to give feedback on an approval request. Only one of them needed to give feedback so they were added as an ANY approval group.
Alison forwards the item out to a further set of people to get additional feedback from them.
The forward recipients have given feedback and the original submitter wants to get all of this information but Alison is unwell and cannot respond.
Ben logs in and can see all of the forward recipient's responses which he is then able to collate and send back to the submitter.
AD-1183 Approvals > Group members should be able to see feedback from other group members
As a member of an ANY approval group, I am now able to see the feedback given in the previous revision by other members of my team. For example, Alison and Ben are members of a team who were asked to give feedback on an approval request. Only one of them needed to give feedback so they were added as an ANY approval group.
Alison gives feedback by adding a comment, some annotations and a file which she sends to the submitter.
The submitter uploads and submits a new revision of the item but Alison is on vacation so she cannot respond.
Ben looks at the item and is able to see the feedback which Alison gave in the previous revision.
AD-255 WIP Report > Excel option
The WIP (Work In Progress) Report can now be extracted as a native Microsoft Excel file. This version currently contains the following columns;Project / Deliverable ID
Agency Job #
Project / Deliverable Name
Deliverable Approval Status (this is the actual artwork approval status)
Deliverable Revision Number
Start / End Dates
Supply Deadline
Live Date
Previous WIP Note
Latest WIP Note
AD-1221 Feedback Report > Video > Show timestamp on the feedback report
Now when someone gives feedback on a video, any captured frames of the video will have their timestamp displayed on the Feedback Report. This will allow the submitter to understand where in the video the reported issues are located.
AD-1229 Show an alert on first login for users of a specific organisation
As an organisation, you may wish to display an alert to your users on their next attempt to login to admation. This alert may be to inform them of new business rules within your organisation/country or to agree to a Non Disclosure Agreement etc. Alerts can be set up as a form which forces users to fill in answers to questions, or acknowledgement of the message before they can access admation.
NOTE: If you would like to set up a post-login alert, please contact your admation liaison and they will be able to help you.
Resource Management
These items are only relevant to those organisations who use our Resource Management module.
AD-1234 Department Manager View > Ability to search by Task Status
As a Department Manager looking at the Gantt view of the resource manager, you can now search for tasks by their status. This means that the Gantt view can be filtered to only show tasks that are yet to be completed which gives you better visibility of where you are up to. -
AD-1078 Department Manager View > Ability to search by client
As a Department Manager looking at the Gantt view of the resource manager, you can now search for tasks by the client they are for. This allows you to focus on a single client in the Gantt view and work out what is completed and outstanding for them.
AD-853 Allow task assignee to access the project/deliverable for a task
When creating or editing a task, once you have specified the project that the task is for, you are presented with a checkbox labelled "Add assignee to project team". If you check this box and save the task, the assignee will be able to access the project and upload/download documents and artwork etc.
AD-1208 Documents associated with a deliverable cannot be added to a task
When creating/editing a task, you can attach documents that were previously loaded into the project. Now you can also attach documents that were loaded into a deliverable.
Bug Fixes
AD-1257 Approvals > Full Screen Approval View > Project Team not visible in a Forward
Fixed a bug where a user who received an approval forward was unable to see the project team members.
AD-1226 Approvals module showing incorrect count
If a group of people were sent an ANY approval request and one of those recipients gave feedback, the other members of the group would still see the item in their approval list but wouldn't be able to action it. Now, the item will be removed from the default list for those users (but can be found with a search) and the count of approval requests in the module in the menu bar will decrement.
AD-1249 Online Forms > Uploading documents into the form > 1st uploaded document is duplicated
Fixed a bug where a form with file upload functionality would duplicate files if a new revision of the form was created with additional files uploaded to it.
AD-1238 Project Details > Batch upload 1st revision of artwork
If you have a project with several empty deliverables loaded into it (deliverables without artwork loaded in the Details tab), you can now use the Upload Revisions button to upload a first version to some/each of the deliverables.