3.93 Release Notes (September 2020)

This page outlines the new features, improvements, bug fixes and other tasks included in this admation release.

Release Overview

The focus of this release was to improve the handling of checklists in batch approvals as well as many other smaller changes and bug fixes.


AD-2420 Approvals > Improve batch checklists

Previously, if a user was sent a batch of approval requests that required a checklist to be completed for them, the user would need to navigate to each item individually and fill in the checklist.

Now, we have incorporated the checklist into the Batch Mode of the Full Screen Approval view. Here, users are able to select several approval requests and fill in a single checklist which is applied to them automatically.

We have created a short video to help explain this feature


AD-1434 Approvals > Update the Approve/Request Changes pop up screen

When clicking the Approve or Request Changes button on an approval request, a modal window pops up asking the user to confirm this decision.

We have adjusted this pop up screen to give users better instructions as to how to proceed and, when appropriate, directing them to the Batch Mode to fill in checklists or apply a decision to multiple items at once.


AD-2399 Approvals > Add ability to delete files from annotations

Now, when uploading a file to an annotation as part of your feedback, a user is able to delete the file if required. We have also added a timestamp to show when the file was uploaded.

AD-2432 Deliverables > Allow a user to remove latest revision of artwork

If a user has uploaded the wrong file as artwork on a deliverable, they are now able to revert the deliverable to the previous revision. Please note, this feature is only available if the latest version has not been submitted for approval.



AD-2251 Deliverables > Show specifications

When viewing the details of a deliverable, we have slightly rearranged the layout of the various fields to ensure that the Specifications field is easier to find.

AD-2395 Deliverables > Add rich text editor to the Deliverable Overview field

We have now added the rich text editor interface to the Deliverable Overview field so that users are able to style text a little better.

AD-2337 Online Forms > Improve the way we treat images uploaded in text areas

When uploading an image into a text area, the following changes have been made;

  • Image is centred
  • The preview of the image is a little larger
  • Clicking the image will expand it for easier reviewing
  • Opening the image in a new tab will open it as large as possible

Bug Fixes

AD-2354 Approvals > Allow users to reply to a General Comment

Previously, if I had added an annotation on a page, another user was able to Reply to my comment. However, if I made a General Comment on the approval request, users were unable to reply. We have now made general comments behave in the same way as an annotation does.

AD-2391 Deliverable Manager > Removing deliverables deletes data entered for other deliverables
Fixed an issue where a user would lose data when adding and then deleting a deliverable in the Deliverable Manager UI.

AD-1755 Online Forms > PDF > Long URLs do not wrap to the next line

If a user has entered a long string of text that does not contain spaces (such as a URL), this text will now wrap to a new line if it is too long to stay on a single line of the PDF.

AD-2362 Online Forms > Vietnamese characters not rendering on the PDF

Fixed an issue where Vietnamese characters would not render on a brief PDF.


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