3.104 Release Notes (May 2022)

This page outlines the new features, improvements, bug fixes and other tasks included in this admation release.

Release Overview

The focus of this release was to start work on changes to the user interface, lightening things up, and generally giving the system a more modern look.


AD-2880 & AD-2881 Interface Updates for the Menu Bar, Projects, Approvals, Ad Storage and Asset Library Lists
Time for a makeover!!

We have changed the look of the menu bar and the main lists in the system (Projects, Approvals, Ad Storage and Asset Library) to give them a fresher, more contemporary look.

We have also consolidated the ancillary features, such as access to your account settings and the Administration system, into a single list.

No need to worry. All of the features you know and love are still there. They just look nicer now.


The Projects list has a new interface in the menu bar as well as the search row



The new Menu Bar


AD-2843 Projects List > Ability to search for multiple project team members

You are now able to search for multiple team members to find jobs they are associated to.

For example, Aaron is a team member on “Job A” and “Job B”, while Jodie is a team member on “Job B” and “Job C”.

Searching for either “Aaron” or “Jodie” will find the 2 jobs that each is a team member for. Searching for “Aaron Jodie” will find all three jobs.


AD-2865 Proxy User > Messages look to come from the original user, not the proxy

If you are away on leave you are able to set another person to be your proxy and to attend to any issues which arise in your absence. However, if the proxy user responded to any issues (for example, they replied to a message or gave feedback on an approval request), the sender of the message would be listed as you and not your proxy.

Now if a proxy responds to an issue, the message will still be addressed from the original user, however we have implemented our “on behalf of” flag that is used elsewhere in the system. Rolling over this flag will show the recipient who actually sent this message to them.



AD-2878 Tracking When a User Account is Enabled

We now record when a user account was last set to being Enabled. This is useful for administrators who are scheduling training sessions and want to see who they should invite as often there are people who have been on extended leave or returned to the business who would be missed if we only looked at newly created accounts.

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