3.109 Release Notes (February 2023)

This document outlines the new features, improvements, bug fixes and other tasks included in this admation release.


Release Overview
The focus of this release was to introduce the update Approval Submission screen, as well

as to update the iconography used throughout the system to make things look modern and reduce clutter.



AD-2923 Submission Manager Update

From day one, the focus of our work has been the efficient sharing and approval of your work, and the Approval Submission Manager is a key component of this.

And so, we are very happy to share with you the latest revision of this crucial interface.

Previously, the Approval Submission screen was split into two interfaces; a Simple view and an Advanced view. However, this meant that some useful features were hard to find and not obvious to users.

We have now amalgamated these two views in order to create a unified interface which is still easy to use, but also provides quick access to our more advanced features.

To run users through the Approval Submission screen, we have rerecorded one of our most popular help guide videos which you can find here: https://youtu.be/E0WsLtVbTpg

 The new Approval Submission screen


Iconography Update

Throughout the system we have replaced most icons with a flatter, more muted look. Gone are the days of being bombarded with a rainbow of colourful icons, replaced instead with simpler designs which allow important elements – such as approval statuses – to pop off the screen and attract the eye more.

Here we can see the Dashboard view as it existed previously. Notice how things like the number of pending Approval Requests you have (see arrow pointing almost straight up) are difficult to see because they blend in with the colours in the rest of the page.

Example of previous icon set on the Dashboard


Now look at how key information is easily pointed out when applying the new icon set.

 Example of new icon set on the Dashboard


AD-2918 Improvements to the handling of files

Upgraded all file handling components. These include file upload and download screens, image and video rendering as well as the Cart. There shouldn’t be an obvious change in the interface but, behind the scenes, file handling has greatly improved.


Bug Fixes

AD-2920 Submit for Feedback > Notifications reference an “Approval”

Fixed an issue in all email/message notifications where an item which had been submitted for Feedback would be referenced as an Approval request. All emails/messages related to a Feedback request will now make reference to a Feedback request.


AD-2922 Submit for Feedback > Omit any outbound checklists

When submitting an item for Feedback, submitters may be required to complete an Approval Checklist (a list of items they need to check off as having been considered prior to submitting this work for approval). Since they are not asking people to Approve work, this checklist has been removed.


AD-2921 Receive for Feedback > Omit any inbound checklists

When receiving an item for Feedback, approvers would be required to complete an Approval Checklist (a list of items they need to check off as having been considered in their approval decision). Since they are not being asked to Approve work, this checklist has been removed.


Resource Management

AD-2926 Timesheet Export as Excel File

Recently we introduced functionality allowing time logged in admation to be exported as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. We are now exporting this data as a native Microsoft Excel document (XLSX).

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