Retrospectively Logging Time Against a Task

Retrospectively Logging Time Against a Task

If you’ve previously worked on a task, you may want to retrospectively log time against it. To log time on a task you’ve already worked on or completed, click the Log Time button. This will allow you to load an estimate of the hours you spent working on a task.

This method is also great if you’ve forgotten to record your work as you go.

To log time against a task, first you need to head to your Tasks tab. It's found at the top of your screen when you're logged into admation. You can use either the Task List or Calendar tabs to view your list of tasks. Then click on a task to view more information on it. 

From this view, you’ll be able to view your logged hours whenever you click on your task. You will also be able to compare it to the task estimate. This is shown as a bar near your task, and will continue to fill as you reach your estimated task time estimate, which was provided when someone created the task for you.

Halfway down the page there are three buttons. Once of these is Log Time. 

Click this button, then enter the hours you worked, as well as the day and start time. Click Add Entry. If the task is complete, click the checkbox next to This task is complete Screen_Shot_2020-04-20_at_9.19.45_am.png.  


If you are close to reaching or have exceeded your estimated time and haven't marked the task as complete, admation may ask you for a new task estimate which you can enter before saving your changes.

Click Save Changes once you're happy with your inputs. 

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