Admation Basic Dashboard Tour

Admation Basic Dashboard Tour

Admation is a feature-rich platform for approving artwork and managing projects and resources. WIth these advanced functionalities comes the opportunity to learn lots of new words, icons and processes to wrap your head around. This help section provides users with quick and easy definitions of things you might find in the platform.


The Dashboard is the first screen you will see once you are logged into admation. From there, you will be able to create a job by clicking the Create New Project button. Some companies may also start projects from a customised digital brief.

Recent Activity & Recent Projects 

The Recent Activity section displays the most recent messages, approval requests and feedback you have received in the system, whilst the Recent Projects displays the last dozen or so jobs you’ve recently accessed.

As of admation 3.95, you'll also have quick links which guide you through to:

  • any approvals requiring your attention
  • any sent approvals that you may like to follow up on 
  • unread messages

As of 3.95, admation removes pending approval requests once you have actioned them!  

Admation Menu

You can reach your full list of approval requests, feedback and messages by clicking either the Approvals or Messages buttons in the menu bar. You can also view a list of Tasks assigned to you.

From your Dashboard, you can click to other parts of the site such as the Projects menu where all of your current projects are stored. You can also click on the Ad Storage where all of your previous projects and ads are stored. The Asset Library contains previously stored logos and imagery that may have been used in an ad, whilst the optional Resources tab allows you to manage resources within your organisation.

Check out this guide for a quick glossary of things you'll find on our dashboard.

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