Editing Briefs

Briefs in admation 

Custom briefs are one way to kick off projects in admation. Chat to your customer success manager about creating a custom brief for your company in the system. Once your brief has been set up in the system, admin users have limited access to make changes to the briefs. These changes include: 

  • Updating the name of the brief on the brief menu
  • Marking the brief as Active or Inactive to show or hide it from the + Online Brief section
  • Changing between a submission brief, collaborative brief or auto-project brief
  • Updating the briefing form from a saved template (not recommended)
  • Making it a requirement to add at least one deliverable when you're using the deliverable management component – only available if your settings for deliverable management are set to 'Yes'

Editing Briefs in admation 

To edit a brief in admation, head to the admin bar at the top of your screen. A user will only see the admin button if they have specific permissions. 

Click Briefs.

Edit an existing brief from this screen by clicking the pen icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.pngAdmation client admins can make the following changes to briefs:

  • Update the name of the brief 
  • Activate or deactivate the brief 
  • Write a description for the brief modal, introduced in admation 3.95
  • Select a brief type for auto project, submission, collaboration or existing project
  • Select recipients for submission, collaboration or existing brief styles
  • Link it to a specific online briefing form (see below for help with this section)
  • Highlight whether or not deliverable management is mandatory

Make your changes as needed. Remember to hit Save once you're done. 

Making Other Changes to Briefs in admation

Whilst users have access to these limited permissions, there are other changes that can be achieved by sending an email off to your client success manager. Other changes that you'll need to chat to admation about are: 

  • Setting up a new brief (the styling is managed via the online briefing form, which we need to manage for you!)
  • Styling existing brief forms and their downloadable PDF documents
  • Updating the order of questions in the forms 
  • Adding new questions to brief forms 
  • Changing the types of questions asked in brief forms 
  • Hiding brief forms from the + Online Documents section of your project
  • Setting a default document type for your brief 
  • Changing the name of your form (once you click into it from the menu)


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