Adding Task Types
Tasks types refer to the different functions that team members might complete as part of their role. Each task type is related to a department or team. For example, a Web Design team, or department, might have a number of tasks to do within their role including:
- Mockups
- Design
- Build
- Test
- Launch
And a business might like to keep track of when each of these tasks are started and completed. You can do this by using admation. Clients with administrative privileges can create different task types in admation, and can link each of these tasks to existing departments within admation.
But before you do this, you need to ensure that your departments have been set up correctly.
To add a new task type, Select Admin.
Then select Task Types from the menu.
Click New Task Type.
Enter the name of the Task Type you want to create. Then link that task type to an existing Department. Click Save once you’re happy with your inputs.
After this, you may like to add users to your departments and assign department managers, who have the ability allocate tasks to different members of their department.