Resending Account Activation Emails

Resending Activation Emails

Sometimes a user may not see, or may accidentally delete their activation email. In the event that this happens, a user with admin permissions can resend the Account Authentication email to that user. The easiest way to see if you have admin permissions is to check that you have an Admin button in your main menu.

Click Admin, then go to the Users section.

You can use the Search filters on the left hand side of the screen to locate the employee you're looking for. Then click the Pencil next to their name.

If their email is unverified, admation will let you know, and you'll be able to click the link to Resend Verification Email. 


Sending Activation Emails in Bulk 

If you have a number of users who need to receive account verification emails, you can use the search section to filter by unverified users. Click Search to view the users in your organisation who have unverified accounts. 

You can also export a copy of users out of the system. A column in that download will also tell you who's verified and who's not.

Use the checkboxes next to a user's name to select the specific users you'd like to bulk send emails to.

To send activation emails to all users, you can also click the checkbox in the top-left corner to select everybody on a given page. 

Click the Message icon to batch send verification emails, as highlighted below. No further action is required on your behalf!

You may want to revisit this screen in a week's time to review and repeat these steps where required. You may also distribute this guide to users to assist them with activating their accounts.


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