Enabling and Deactivating Users in admation

Enabling and Deactivating Users in admation

We understand that people sometimes come and go in organisations. That’s why we make it easy to add and deactivate users as your business scales and grows. 

A user with admin permissions can enable and deactivate accounts in admation.

The easiest way to see if you have admin permissions is to check that you have an Admin button in your main menu. To start, click the Admin button and head to Users. 

A list of all the employees with admation accounts in your organisation will be displayed.

When someone's leaving your organisation: Deactivating an Account.

To deactivate a user's account, click the Pencil icon next to their name. You'll see a Status option. Toggle the button from Enabled to Disabled. 

When a user's account is deactivated, they won't be able to log in to the platform. 

When someone's account needs to be re-activated.

You can also re-enable an existing user's account by clicking the Pencil Icon next to their name. You'll see a Status option. Toggle the button from Disabled to Enabled. 

If you need to add a new user account into admation, check out this guide instead.

Bulk Activating or Deactivating Users in admation

In the event that you'd like to bulk activate or deactivate users in admation, head to Users. You can use the filters on the far left hand side of the screen to toggle between all active or inactive users in the system if you'd like.

Then use the checkboxes Screen_Shot_2019-10-10_at_8.34.09_am.png down the left hand side of the screen to select the user's you'd like to update in the system. If you're bulk activating these users, click the green tick Screen_Shot_2019-10-10_at_10.35.17_am.png in the actions tab above your selections. If you're bulk deactivating users, click the red cross Screen_Shot_2019-10-29_at_3.40.18_pm.png in the actions tab instead.

What Happens to Deactivated Users?

When an account is deactivated in admation, the user will not be able to log into their account, however all information including approvals and audited actions remain logged in the platform in the event that the information is needed at a later date. 

As of admation 3.99, if a user that's part of the following is deactivated: 

  • Submission Brief recipients
  • Approval templates 
  • Administrators 
  • User groups 

Then admation will automatically remove these deactivated users from the above places, or notify you if deactivating a specific user will cause problems with the workflows.

Where problems are incurred, admation will notify you, and you will need to rectify these errors elsewhere in the admin panel.

You will have the option to export the issues as a CSV to keep track of changes where there are multiple errors. 


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