Marking Messages as Unread

Marking a Message as Unread

Under certain circumstances, you may like to mark a message as unread, often to remind you to come back and read or action the message later. To mark a message as unread, click the Messages icon at the top of your screen.

From your inbox, you can see all messages sent to you by team members, or via an admation system notification. To mark a single message as unread, click into the message you'd like to view, if you haven't already. Then click the Mark as Unread button. 

Marking a Message as Unread in Bulk

To bulk mark multiple messages as unread, you can use the checkboxes along the left side of your messages to select all the messages you would like to mark.

Then click the mark as unread Screen_Shot_2020-01-02_at_1.06.19_pm.png button. It looks like a small blue circle.


A blue circle Screen_Shot_2020-01-02_at_1.06.19_pm.png represents an unread message. Click a message to read its contents. Your message will stay unread until the next time you click on it! 

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