Removing Restricted Asset Access to an Asset
If you have the right admin permissions, you may be the go-to person for restricted asset requests in admation. Restricted asset requests are sent via email and occur when there's a confidential asset in the asset library or ad storage that someone would like access to.
When someone would like access to a confidential asset, you'll be sent an email with a link into the system. Click the link to view this message in admation. You may also find this notifications under your Messages tab. Then click Go to Asset.
You'll see a button that says Edit Access.
When you click edit access, you'll see a list of the users who do have access to the confidential asset. Click the pencil icon to edit this access.
To grant access to the asset, you'll either need to search for and add that user to the list of users with access by clicking the plus icon . Otherwise, remove the specific users with access to the file by clicking the remove icon
. By removing users with the access to the file, you'll be giving that access to everyone in your organisation.
Once you're happy with your changes, click Save.