Uploading and Storing Digital Assets in admation

Storing Digital Assets in admation

Admation has two digital asset libraries that allow you to store assets in admation, the Ad Storage and the Asset Library. 

The Ad Storage displays all finalised and approved deliverables in one handy gallery view, whilst the Asset Library stores all stock imagery, owned imagery and logos. The instructions for both areas of the platform are the same, so you will be able to follow along for either view.

Storing an Externally Approved Asset in admation

Sometimes you may want to store files on the admation platform, even if they weren’t officially approved using the admation approval workflow. If you need to approve these items before they are added to your digital libraries, visit this guide.

To store an already approved asset that hasn't been run through admation, go to your Ad Storage or Asset Library depending on the file type, and click New Final Asset

If the item(s) you want to upload have already been externally approved (or don't need to be approved), click the Direct Upload button and follow the prompts.

Entering Asset Project Data

The system will prompt you to fill in details for your asset as if it were a project. This is so that the file(s) that you're directly uploading into admation has the same details filled in as any other project that would have been approved and finalised from admation. Any information that you fill in here will also allow you to search and filter by this information from your digital libraries later.

Once you've filled in your details, click Next Step. You'll then need to upload your assets. Click Browse to search your computer for the file(s) or drag and drop them into the outlined box as needed.

You'll then have the option to rename or remove your files if needed.

Click Next Step again to head to step 3. 

In this section, you will need to add meta-data for this item, which essentially means anything that can help make the item searchable in the digital libraries. Fill this in properly to help you find your assets later! Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

Adding More than One Item to admation

If you've added more than one file, you'll be able to edit the items together by default. You can also Edit Individually if your assets have different details. The only mandatory field to be filled in is the Asset Type.

Saving Your Assets

Once all of your asset information is filled in, click Apply Changes. The Next Step will allow you to review your inputs. You'll see the name of your item, a thumbnail image and its type.

Click Save Assets to save your item to admation. Please ensure that your inputs are right as the admation digital libraries aren't designed to allow for deletion of itemsOnce you've saved everything, the item(s) will be accessible in admation libraries. Check out this guide for using the digital asset libraries.

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