How to Batch Download Feedback Reports From a Single Project
A feedback report shows a thumbnail of the image that’s been reviewed, along with its revision number and a list of numbered comments made on the item. You can use the following steps to download a single feedback report. You may also use them to download multiple feedback reports for a number of items in the same project.
To download multiple Feedback Reports as a batch, go to the Projects list and click on the project of interest. Scroll down to the Approvals section and click the Blue Arrow button.
Click the checkbox(es) next to each item you’d like to generate a Feedback Report for.
Then click the Download Feedback Report icon which looks like a piece of paper with a blue arrow pointing downwards. The item will then download to your device. You may also download a feedback report for a single item on the approvals screen.
Bulk Downloading Feedback Reports Across Multiple Projects
If you are after feedback reports across multiple projects, click onto the Approvals tab. By default, you'll be shown a list of all the work you still need to approve. You can use your Filters in the top left hand corner of the screen to show the work you are after and refine your search further. Then click Search to update your page.
Then select the items you'd like to download using the checkboxes so that they turn blue . Then click the download feedback reports icon
. Admation will download your file(s) to your computer as a .zip file.
From this same menu, you can also:
- Send the items off as a message attachment
- Mark approval requests as read
- Bulk Forward approvals to other people
- Lock or unlock levels to allow or limit people from approving the work
- Bulk download the artwork for the selected files