Bulk Downloading Artwork Sent to You For Approval
At times, you may like to download artwork out of the system. Whilst there are many facilities to download single files of work out of the system, it may be much more efficient to download these files in bulk. To find and bulk download artwork that has been sent to you for approval, hit Approvals. By default, you'll be shown a list of all the work you still need to approve.
Then select the items you'd like to download using the checkboxes so that they turn blue . Then click the download artwork icon
. Admation will download your file(s) to your computer as a .zip file.
Using Filters before Bulk Downloading Work
You can also use your Filters to show all work that's been previously approved or rejected instead, then click Search to update your page. Of course, you can also use a range of other filters and advanced search options depending on what you would like to download.
From this same menu, you can also:
- Send the items off as a message attachment
- Mark approval requests as read
- Bulk Forward approvals to other people
- Lock or unlock levels to allow or limit people from approving the work
- Download the feedback reports for the selected files
Bulk Options for Work That You Have Sent for Approval
If you're after work that you have sent off to other people, you can click the Sent tab.
Then select your items using the checkboxes so that they turn blue . You can also use filters to narrow your searches. Sent items have the following menu.
For items you've sent to other people, you can use this menu to:
- Send the items off as a message attachment
- Lock or unlock levels to allow or limit people from approving the work
- Download the feedback reports for the selected files
You can also click the i icon next to each piece of work to view and Download Files individually for items you've previously sent. You can also Download Feedback Reports from the same left hand side panel.
You can also access this same page from the projects page.