Removing Users from Groups on the Advanced Screen

Removing Users from Groups on the Advanced Screen

Admation uses pre-templated groups to send work to a team of people. At times, you may decide that you don't want to send to specific people in the groups, but you'd like to keep the functionality that comes alongside sending to that group, like submitters checklists or reviewers checklists for example.

You can temporarily remove people from groups for specific submissions by using the advanced submission screen.

From the advanced submission screen, you can Edit Approvers Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png to bring up your approvers. Select  Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_2.04.23_pm.png a group from the System Groups tab. All users within those groups will show under the group heading, with an indented name. Remove Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_2.05.53_pm.png any users from within those groups who don't need to be sent the specific file(s).

You can also set up FYI users for this submission from this screen. Click Done and continue templating your approval as needed.

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