Using Advanced Mode to Submit Work for Approval

Why Use the Advanced Screen?

The advanced approval submission screen provides artwork submitters with extra functionality for submitting work. To access this view, hit the Advanced toggle when submitting work for approval or forwarding work.

The advanced approval screen splits each deliverable out on its own. The key features of the advanced screen are most useful when you're looking for additional functionality, not found on the simple submission view.

Most users often find a view which suits them best and they stick to it. Others toggle between the advanced and simple screens depending on the functionality they are after. Nonetheless, admation will remember your preferred screen for next time! 

For a refresher on submitting work for approval using the simple screen, check out this guide instead.

Using the Advanced Approval Submission Screen

From the advanced screen, you can:

  • Highlight different approvers in bulk, or for each deliverable 
  • Send work to external users outside of admation
  • Customise deadlines in bulk, or for each deliverable 
  • Add annotations for each deliverable
  • Add region masks to hide specific areas of work from users
  • Attach supporting files in bulk, or for each deliverable 
  • Add submission teams in bulk, or for each deliverable 

As of admation 3.94, you'll be able to add text styling to these messages, including the ability to bold, italicise, underline and bullet point text. 

If you're looking at making changes for specific deliverables, click the pencil icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png on a respective row next to a relevant heading to make your changes accordingly. You have a thumbnail next to each respective section to let you know which deliverable you're making the changes for. You also have options to change certain things in bulk – which we'll go through below.

Across the top of the advanced screen, you can also batch actions for:

  • Editing approvers
  • Setting deadlines
  • Attaching files
  • Adding submission teams 
  • Creating a custom message which is sent as an email to your approver/s.

You can also remove deliverables from your submission by clicking the Remove icon Screen_Shot_2019-10-29_at_3.40.18_pm.png.

When you're forwarding work from this screen, you can include your existing mark ups and comments from. Check out this guide to find out how. 

Using the Advanced Approval Submission Screen to Map Approvers

Click the pencil icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png to edit your approvers.

The advanced screen has the added benefit of an enhanced approver-mapping screen that's different to the layout you would find on the Simple view. Whilst some users enjoy the left-to-right logic of the simple screen, others contend that the advanced screen better illustrates the differences between ANY and ALL approvals by displaying your selections in a hierarchical table view.

On the right hand side of the screen, you will notice the different Approval Levels where you can build your approval trail. Each level has a clear ANY or ALL toggle, and visualises the movement of your work through the approval process in a table. You can also view our alternative guide for using our continuous, any and all approval features or our guide on using approval levels if you’d like to add some complexity to the approval workflow here. Otherwise, simply add the names of the individuals or groups in this section. Every user on Approval Level 1 will see the artwork first.

Start by clicking a Green Arrow Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_2.04.23_pm.png to add an individual to your approval levels. Select your toggles for Any, All or Continuous. If you're hoping to send the work to an external user without an admation account, click the External Users tab and fill in the fields, clicking Add User once you're happy. Or click Done once you're happy with your inputs.

You can also do this in bulk by clicking the Edit Approvers button.

Applying a Deadline to Your Approval

To set deadlines for each individual item, click the pen icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.pngnext to the appropriate heading.

Then specify the deadline of the approval request. This specifies how long your reviewers have to respond to you. You can also schedule up to three automatic reminders, which will notify the approver(s) of the pending approval request as the deadline approaches. Click Done.


You can also do this in bulk by clicking the Set Deadlines button Screen_Shot_2020-03-20_at_10.03.54_am.png.


Adding Annotations to Your Approval

The Advanced Screen also has the ability for you to create markups to draw attention to parts of the work you want your reviewers to consider, and perhaps provide feedback on. 

To create your annotations, click the pen icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png and use the mark up tools at the bottom of the screen to create your comments. 

Click OK to save your comment, then click Done once you're happy with your inputs.

Adding Region Masks to Your Approval

Region masks are an advanced feature available only from the Advanced Screen.  A region mask refers to a black box that hides or conceals an element of your artwork from your reviewers. You can apply custom region masks on your artwork per-approver. To add a region mask, ensure that you have added at least one approver to your approval, then click the edit pen icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png  next to the appropriate heading.


To apply a region mask, select a person's name from the list along the left hand side of your screen. Then select the square tool Screen_Shot_2020-03-20_at_11.40.36_am.pngfrom the bottom of the screen. It will turn blue once selected. Then drag and drop your mouse from left-to-right over the area you wish to concealClick OK to confirm your region mask for that user. Repeat this step as necessary until all required region masks have been applied for each individual or group. Once you have applied the appropriate region masks to all users, then Done to save your changes.

You can also check out this guide for additional assistance on adding region masks.

Adding Files to your Approval

Any supporting documentation you’d like to include with your artwork can be added under the files section. This might be a brief, logo, or set of assets used in the production of your work. It might help to further inform your approvers about why you’ve made the design or marketing decisions you have made in your submission. These attachments will also be sent in the email notification.

From the advanced screen, you can click the pen icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png to browse and load your files.


From the resulting screen, you'll be able to drag and drop or Browse and attach files from your computer. You'll also be able to Select Project Documents – which will allow you to link any documents that you have attached to your project to your approval.

Use the checkboxes to select any project documents you'd like to attach and click done.

All added files will show along the left hand side of the modal. 

You can also attach files this for multiple files in bulk by clicking the Attach Files button at the top of the screen.

 Setting Your Submission Team

Your submission team refers to a pre-defined group of people that may like to be notified each time your work is approved or rejected in the system. Click the pen icon Screen_Shot_2019-09-30_at_4.13.28_pm.png next to your submission team to choose from a list of existing user groups. 

You can also do this in bulk by clicking the Set Submission Team button.

Submitting Your Work for Approval

Once you're ready to submit your work, click Submit at the top of the screen.

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