Using Approval Levels to Submit Work

Using Approval Levels to Submit Artwork

Now that you have learnt the basics about submitting artwork for approval, you may want to dig a little deeper into some of the functionality we have available in the admation platform when submitting approvals. Each business has different hierarchies and processes, so you may find that some but not all of this information will be relevant for you. 

An Overview of Levels

You can use approval levels to allow different approvers to review artwork in a logical and tiered order.

Anyone in approval Level 1 will see a copy of the artwork to review first. Once they have approved the item Screen_Shot_2019-10-02_at_4.27.13_pm.png, the artwork will be sent to members of Approval Level 2 to review.

The Level tool is really handy for admation users wanting to add order to their approval process. It also saves people (ie. managers) from looking at the artwork before they really need to.

The following guide provides instructions for the admation simple screen.

Starting with Adding Users to Approval Level 1

To submit an item for approval, you need to at least add an individual (or group) to the first level

  • Level 1 is always a list of the people who will be notified about your approval first.
  • Everyone in this level will receive your artwork to review at the same time.
  • You can add as many members as you would like.
  • If you make a mistake, click backspace or the X option on the relevant member to remove your error.

If you would like somebody else to look at your artwork after these individuals or groups have approved your work, you might like to add a Level 2.

Approval Level 2

You can add a Level 2 to your approval if you would like an individual or team to approve your artwork, only after the previous approvers have reviewed and approved the work. If you would like to add another level to your approval, click Add Approval Level.

Enter in your individual(s) and group(s) as needed – you can continue adding additional levels as you see fit.

If you send artwork to these individuals very often, you may want to tick the box that says Use these approvers next time. This will save your inputs next time you open this screen.


Please Note: Users who have been forwarded work to review will no longer be able to provide feedback once the forwarder has approved / rejected or conditionally approved the work. The approval level will be automatically locked. This will ensure that no late feedback is received.

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