Submit a Deliverable for Feedback

In admation you are able to submit a piece of work directly for feedback, rather than approval.

Submitting for feedback is useful in situations where you may want to ask a question rather than having the work’s status depend on the answer. It is also useful in situations where you want to ask different teams/groups of people for feedback without allowing those teams to see each other’s feedback, or even that they were both involved in this work. This is because, unlike when submitting for approval, the same revision of work can be submitted for feedback several times and to different people.


There are multiple ways to submit for feedback.

1. When you add a new deliverable, a pop up will appear asking if you would like to submit it now, here you can select 'Submit for Feedback'



2. When in the deliverable details screen, you can select the option to 'Submit for Feedback'



“Submit for Feedback” is turned off by default, but if you would like to discuss this feature more and potentially have it turned on, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they will be happy to assist you.

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