Submitting Work for Approval

Submitting Work for Approval

Admation grants you the ability to effectively manage your marketing approval workflow. But to master this process, first you’ll need to master the art of submitting work for approval.

Once your project has deliverables and artwork, you’ll need to submit your artwork for approval. Approvers have the ability to review, make comments on, accept and request changes to your work.

How to Submit Documents for Approval

Follow these short steps to select a document to send for approval. Then skip down to the heading "An Overview of the Submission Screen" for your next steps.

How to Submit Artwork for Approval

To submit work for approval, you can either use the Approval Submission screen, or upload work from your project. If you're using the approval submission screen, skip down to the heading entitled "An Overview of the Submission Screen."

Otherwise, select your project from your Projects list. Then click Submit for Approval. You should see a list of existing deliverables with artwork included in that specific project. A deliverable refers to any piece of marketing collateral that you'd like to submit for approval. A deliverable might include a promotional advertisement, a draft eDM or a brochure, to name a few.

If you have eligible deliverables with artwork ready to be sent off, select the items you'd like to send. A blue checkbox illustrates any item you are submitting for approval. A clear checkbox means that it won’t be submitted. Click on a clear checkbox to turn it blue Screen_Shot_2019-10-10_at_8.34.09_am.png.

If you receive a message that says “No deliverables available for submission”, or if you cannot see the deliverable you’re after, you’ll need to create your deliverables and add your artwork to the deliverable first. 

How to Submit Artwork for Feedback

You are also able to Submit work for feedback rather than approval. To do this simply follow the same steps as above, however instead click Submit for feedback.

NOTE: Submitting work for Feedback is a configurable option. If you feel that your business may benefit from this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager and they will be able to discuss this with you.


Submitting Artwork For Approval as a Batch

Selecting multiple items from this screen will send your items off for review as a batch. This means that users will be able to make bulk comments on your items, and can be a huge time-saver. 

Click Continue once you are happy with your selection.   


An Overview of the Submission Screen

Once you have selected your documents or artwork for submission, you’ll be able to add your approvers. The Submit for Approval screen allows you to select who you would like to approve your work.

Fill in the fields as follows. This part can be a bit tricky for a first time user, so we’ll walk you through the fields now.

Adding Your Submission Team

The submission team refers to the user group, or team of people, that have worked on the project. A submission team receives notifications whenever work has been accepted or rejected in the platform. So whilst the submission team traditionally refers to the team submitting the work, it can also be used to notify any group that may be interested in knowing about the status of approvals in the system. The user sending off the work will also receive these notifications.

You'll need to ensure that the right user groups have been set up before filling in your submission team. Otherwise, leave it blank! 

Adding Your Approvers

The approvers section allows you to add the individual or group of people that you would like to review and give feedback on your work. View our alternative guide for using our continuous, any and all approval features or our guide on using approval levels if you’d like to add some complexity here. Otherwise, simply add the names of the individuals or groups in this section. Every user in Level 1 will see the work first.

If you send work to the same approvers next time, you may like to click the checkbox to Use these approvers next time so that admation remembers your selections. Or hit Use Previous next time you are submitting work for approval. You can also Use Templates which are pre-loaded into the system by your organisation. 

Adding Deadlines to Review Work

The deadline section refers to the default set of dates associated with approvals. It refers to the date by which your approvers should have their feedback sent back to you. You can also set automatic deadline reminders for your approvers in this section. Click Set Deadlines to set your deadline and add your reminders. 

Reminders are set automatically based on the deadline and cannot be adjusted. 

A user will only be sent a reminder notification if they haven't given feedback. And if you don't set automatic reminders here, there's always the option to manually send reminders later on.

Adding a Message to Your Approval Request

Each approver is sent an email notification and in-system message with a link to the approval by default. You can also add an optional personalised message to go along with this notification.

As of admation 3.94, you'll be able to add text styling to these messages, including the ability to bold, italicise, underline and bullet point text. 

Adding Attachments to Your Approval Request

Any supporting documentation you’d like to include with your work can be added under the attachments section. It might help to further inform your approvers about why you’ve made the design or marketing decisions you have made in your submission. These attachments will also be sent in the email notification.

You can either Browse and upload files from your computer, or you can Select Project Documents which will bring up a list of any documents that were uploaded to your admation project.

Viewing Deliverable Thumbnails

The submission screen also shows deliverable thumbnails for the item(s) you're submitting for approval. Once you are happy with your inputs, hit Submit at the top of the screen.

There's also an advanced submission screen that you may want to use from time to time. It's mainly used for adding region masks to artwork, sending work to external users or adding quick annotations to work before you send it off.

For additional information on adding your approvers, you can watch this video:


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