Batch Editing Deliverables in a Project
Admation makes it easy to bulk edit the details of your deliverables in a given project. First, click on your project from the Projects list.
Then click Batch Edit Details.
Select the deliverables you'd like to edit from the resulting list using the checkboxes . Click Edit Metadata once you're happy with your selections.
Batch Editing General Details for Deliverables
By default, you'll be editing the data for all the deliverables you selected. Click a checkbox and make your edits. By highlighting the checkboxes, you're making that specific change across all selected deliverables.
You can also check out this guide for specific instructions for adding team members to multiple deliverables if you're unsure.
Click Apply Changes to All Deliverables, then click Save once you're happy.
Editing Individual Deliverables from the Batch Edit Page
If you'd prefer to make these changes to individual deliverables, hit the button to Edit Individually or click on any of the individually listed deliverables to make specific edits.
When editing a single deliverable at a time, you'll see the single item's thumbnail across the left hand side of the screen. Make your edits until you are happy with your changes.
Click Next or Prev to toggle between deliverables. You can also click Edit Batch to revert back to the previous batch editing view.
Remember to click Save at the top of the screen once you're done!