Adding deliverables to your brief
Adding deliverables from within a brief is an option that can be enabled for your briefs.
Deliverables are finished pieces of work that you expect to receive based on the brief. A deliverable manager can be added to any section of your main brief. The deliverable manager provides you with additional flexibility when briefing into the team. Not only can the briefer specify which deliverables they would like in the project, but admation automatically adds these into the resulting project as well, saving you time and manual data entry!
Where you see the deliverable manager, start by clicking Add Deliverables.
Whilst you can’t add artwork at this early planning stage, you can specify the following with the checkboxes:
- The deliverable type (ie. website, EDM campaign, poster);
- Deliverable quantity (ie. how many do you need for this campaign);
Click the plus icon to expand a given section or heading.
Click Add Deliverables to add these items to your brief. From the resulting screen, you'll then be able to specify:
- Deliverable name (if you'd like to alter the pre-filled name, you can);
- Supply date (ie. when the artwork needs to be complete for launch);
- Supply deadline time (ie. for time sensitive deadlines such as eDMs);
- Live date (ie. launch date)
- Overview (ie. a quick overview of what you expect to see from this deliverable)
- Specifications for the deliverable. Sometimes these can be pre-loaded if specifications have been pre-filled in under asset types in your admation set up.
- Documents that you would like to link to the deliverable
Click Confirm.
Ask us about adding this component to your brief if you would like to add deliverables during the briefing phase. Otherwise, you can always add deliverables to your project after you've created your project instead.
Batch Editing Items in the Deliverable Manager
There are a range of batch actions that you can use to reduce manual data entry in the system.
Start by selecting the checkbox(es) for the deliverable(s) that you would like to edit. Click the checkbox
next to the batch actions menu to select all deliverables currently in the deliverable manager.
The grouped pencil icon allows you to batch edit your deliverables. Click the checkbox to select a field that you'd like to edit for the deliverables you selected earlier. Make your changes then click Apply Changes to All Deliverables.
Adding Images to the Overview Field
If you'd like to add supporting images to the overview field for a specific deliverable, you can drag and drop files into the provided section as needed.
Deleting Items from the Deliverable Manager
You can delete deliverables individually or in bulk from the deliverable manager. Please note that deleting deliverables from the deliverable manager in a brief will also delete the deliverable from your project, so please take care when using this feature within an existing project. Admation will provide you with a warning message if you try to delete a deliverable from an existing project.