Deleting a Project

Deleting a Project in Admation

If, for any reason, you decide that you no longer want to house a project in admation, certain admin users in your organisation can delete it. Even if you do, or don't have the permissions to delete a project, you can follow these steps to initiate that deletion process.

To start, head to your Projects list and click into the project you'd like to delete from the platform. From the project details screen, you'll see a menu along the left hand side of the screen. Click the Cog icon to reveal the menu for the project you'd like to delete.

At the bottom of the list, there'll be an option to Delete. You can also put a project on hold from this screen. 

Deleting a project in admation is non-reversible and will delete all artwork, documents and deliverables also attached to it. To make sure that you're 100% committed to your decision, we'll show you a confirmation message before you officially delete your project. 

If you don't have delete permissions on your account, your delete will be sent off as a request to any admin user that can delete it on your behalf.

Once you delete a project, you'll see a message confirming your decision. You can also delete a deliverable from admation.

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