Creating Projects from Online Briefs
Your organisation may want marketing teams to create a project from an online brief. Admation allows you to digitise these briefs so that creating projects is easy.
Your brief may be configured to pre-fill various fields from within the brief into your new project, to reduce data entry when kicking off your campaign. The rest of the brief will be attached to your project as a document.
This guide explores the process of filling in and submitting an Online Brief to create a Project.
Initiating an Online Brief
If your company has online briefs setup, and if your account has the correct permissions enabled, you can hit the Start a Brief button found on your Dashboard.
First you’ll see a pop up which shows the available brief templates that have been pre-loaded for your organisation. You might also Continue a brief you may have saved as an earlier draft. These are found at the bottom of the list.
Select the brief you’d like to use. As of admation 3.95, we've also included a brief description option, which admins can update under the System Administration
Using the HTML Text Editor in an Online Brief
For specific fields, you can use our HTML text editor to bold, underline and italicise or to add bullet points or colour to your text.
You can also highlight your text and use the Remove Formatting button to remove any of your styling if you make a mistake. For large text fields with the HTML text editor, you may like to select , or drag, drop and reposition images within the text field too.
Adding deliverables to your brief
Adding deliverables from within a brief is an option that can be enabled for your briefs. The deliverable manager provides you with additional flexibility when briefing into the team. Not only can the briefer specify which deliverables they would like in the project, but admation automatically adds these into the resulting project as well, saving time on manual data entry!
Where you see the deliverable manager, start by clicking Add Deliverables.
Whilst you can’t add artwork at this early planning stage, you can specify the following:
- Deliverable name (if you'd like to alter the pre-filled name, you can);
- Supply date (ie. when the artwork needs to be complete for launch);
- Live date (ie. launch date)
- Overview (ie. a quick overview of what you expect to see from this deliverable)
- Specifications for the deliverable. Sometimes these can be pre-loaded if specifications have been pre-filled in under asset types in your admation set up.
- Documents that you would like to link to the deliverable
You can also check out this guide on using the deliverable manager for additional steps and features.
Ask us about adding this component to your brief if you would like to add deliverables during the briefing phase. Otherwise, you can always add deliverables to your project after you've created your project instead.
Saving a Brief as a Draft
You can click the Save for Later button to save your brief as a draft. Any draft briefs will be kept on the admation dashboard, as an orange number near your Start a Brief button.
Submitting Your Brief
The steps to submit your brief depend on the type of brief that you have configured for your organisation.
Option 1: Auto-Project.
If your briefs are set to auto-create projects, you will be able to click a button that says Create Project. You'll then be redirected to a screen showing your project details, along with any pre-filled project fields based on your inputs. As of admation 3.95, admation will also show you a confirmation message to let you know that your new project was created.
Option 2. Submission.
If you can Submit your brief in the top right hand corner, you'll have options to submit your brief to a group of people who will review your brief and create your project. Note that they may also request changes on that brief as of admation 3.96, if it's not up to scratch - so think about this before you submit your brief to the team.
For more information on submitting a submission brief, follow these instructions or watch the video below.
Option 3: Collaborative.
If your brief shows a message that says Invite Contributors in the top right hand corner, it means your organisation uses Collaborative Briefs, and you may want to visit this help guide for more information.